Magic Spells

Is Magic Real? Exploring the Mystery And Truth

Ask anyone who does the kind of work we do, and many will tell you that one of the most popular questions is; is magic real? While I actually find it strange that people still ask this question, I still understand the place from where it comes. It is a question that comes from people looking for help and asking themselves if that help can be found in sorcery.
There are basically two types of magic, whether one is asking the question is black magic real or they are simply asking whether any type of magic is real. However, before I get to the specific answers to these questions, let us start by attempting to answer another important question: what is magic?

What is magic?

I believe that in order for you to get an understanding of whether sorcery is real or not, you will need to start by understanding what we are talking about when we talk about sorcery. We can then later start discussing black sorcery and white sorcery and also attempt an explanation regarding how these two types of magic differ and what they are best for.  Spells that can change your life.

As I have already indicated, there are two types of sorcery with one being associated with illusion; usually performed on stages by magicians who usually make people pay money to watch these acts. This is generally a performing art dedicated at entertaining audiences using illusions or tricks that may otherwise look impossible.

We all know the stage magic because we have seen it at one time or another, particularly those who reside in large cities. Hence, when we speak about this kind of magic, the answer to the question is sorcery real and can anyone do it is simply a yes. It is a yes because we can see those acts being performed and producing results.

Then there is a second type of sorcery; what we spell casters practice. This is where you then start to attempt answering questions like is white sorcery real and is black sorcery real?

Is black sorcery real?

Let’s start by discussing black sorcery as I often explain that all the other types of magic we see in contemporary society has its roots in black magic; spread across the world starting during the time of the slave trade.

Black magic is generally referred to as the kind of magic used for evil purposes. However, I often want to correct this illusion before I go very far. Black sorcery has existed for as long as humans have been on earth and it all these years it has been helping them solve some of their biggest challenges. So, with that, I have answered the question relating to whether black sorcery is real.

Now, while we are still at it, I will also explain the reason why black sorcery has a bad name. Mostly, it has to do with racism that looked at everything from Africa as evil and perceived the people who practiced African Magic as people who worshipped evil gods. Whether a type of magic is evil or not, really depends on what someone uses it for.

Is white magic real?

Just like black magic, white magic has been in use among human beings for many years. White magic has its roots in black magic, but if you look at it, it actually looks like it has fused some Christian and black magic elements to come up with a new form of magic that is now referred to as white magic.

Just like I explained when dealing with black sorcery, the reason why white sorcery is seen as the better type of magic also has to do with the fact that it is practiced in Western countries which generally have the power to make things done there to look good when compared to things done in other parts of the world.

Are sorcery real

Now that we have an idea regarding the question, Is sorcery real we can easily say yes indeed, sorcery is real. We have seen it practiced and produced results before. Also, if sorcery was not real, do you believe millions of people, if not billions, around the world, would still believe in it?

Is there a real sorcery school?

So if I wanted to become a magician, is there a real sorcery school I could attend? Yes, there are real magic schools right around the world whether you want to practice black or white magic. Examples include The Norton Street Sorcery located in London in the United Kingdom. In Spain, Romania, and Italy, you could find The “Devil Schools.”

In Africa, the schools are often small, and a practicing magician trains people who want to practice sorcery before they go and practice in their own communities.

If you want to see the power of sorcery, both black and white, and want to experience for yourself whether sorcery is real, fill in the contact form here, and we will get back to you.

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